
Monday, June 24, 2019

Half Yearly Examination -2017
Sub: Buddhist
Class: Six
Time: 2 hours 30 minutes. Marks : 70
Answer any seven from the following questions.
1. Sushama is Rakhain girl.She and her friend one day saw a Buddhist Bhikkhu sitting on a ' lotus gesture ',at temple. She asked another Bhikkhu, "Bhante, what is he doing?"The Bhikkhu said, "He is immersed in meditation.
a) What are the four noble truths?
b) What do you understand by the causes of suffering?
c) Which way is the Bhikkhu following? describe.
d) How will the Bhikkhu be able to realize the four noble truths by following the way
mentioned above? Explain
2. Amal Talukdar works in a private institution.He leads a very simple life. once he decided to donate food to a Marga Lavi Bhikku. He bought a fine and precious thing from his savings.Syamol Talukdar organised a cheritable ceremony to drive away the poverty of his family.
a) In which Jataka the story of donating body and eyecis found?
b) Describe the characteristics of charity.
c) Explain what kind of donor is Amal Talukdar?
d) Justify how far the donation of ShyamalvTalukdar is reasonable.
3. Bijali Barua is a pious devotee. She often joins in the meditation courses.After ending that course she promises herself to donate Atthaparikkara to her spiritual guide Bhikkhu. Therefore she completed the the charitable function in the right time.
a) Who are the donors?
b) Why should we donate without any personal interest?
c) What did Bijli Barua consider while selecting charitable objects? Discuss according to the
d) The charity of Bijli Barua is of greatly rewarding - justify according to the text.
4. Pritimoy Chakma is a successful farmer. He supports famly by selling agricultural products. He never takes of deceiving or falsehood while marketing. He tries to follow religious principles to lead advanced and noble life.the villagers are pleased at his behaviour.
a) How many types of sila are there?
b) What are daily observed sila?
c) Explain the sila,that practised by pritimoy Chakma in the light of the textbook.
d) Analyse the merits that can be enjoyed by Pritimoy Chakma by practising sila in the light of
5. Pratima Barua is a virtuous lady.Everyday she goes to Vihara to prat tributes towards Buddha,Dhamma and Sangha.She keeps herself abstained from killing animals, theft,adultery, and taking drugs.Besides she observes sila during the last day of dark fortnight,full moon day,and the eighth day of either fortnight of a lunar month.
a) what is the meaning of the word sila?
b) Mention the prayer of daily observed sila either in Pali or in English.
c) What kind of devotee is Pratima Barua? Explain
d) Due to the behaviour described in the stem Pratima Barua will get good result in this life
and the next-justify the comment according to the text book.
6. While going to town Bijoy Chakma saw a street-child hurt by a car. He couldn't bear the sight so he brought the child to the hospital for treatment. He handed the child over to its mother after recovering.
a) What did Siddhartha see on the fourth day of his city-tour?
b) How were the attitude of the son and the wife changed? Explain.
c) What virtue of Siddhartha has been reflected in the behaviour of Bijoy Chakma? Explain.
d) What may be driven away from the mind of Bijoy Chakma because of that virtue? Analyze.
7. Pratya Barua is the student of class six. He collects flowers early in the morning. He offers respect to Lord Buddha placing these flowers in front of the statue or the picture of Buddha. At evening he worships Buddha with candle and increase.All are pleased to his behaviour.
a) Where is the Ratanaghara Place?
b) Why should we pay to father and mother with great respect?
c) What can be said about the behaviour of Pratya Barua according to Buddhist term? Explain
d) What results will Pratya Barua enjoy for that behaviour in the respect world and the
afterwards? Explain.
8. Aniruddha Barua is a service holder. In a holiday he participated at the recitation of Sutta and the morning Precission by singing Buddhist devotional song going to the temple. Afterwards he worshipped Buddha and took Pancashila. Before 12 o'clock he entertained the Bhikkhu Sangha with meal and at the afternoon participated in the religious discussion on the birth of Buddha, enlightenment of Buddha and the Mahaparinibbana.
a) what is the meaning of the word Pravarana?
b) Write the importance of maghi Purnima.
c) Explain to which Purnima the subject matter described in the paragraph has similarities.
d) What kind of merits will Aniruddha Barua get by participating in the religious programs? Analyze in the context of the textbook.
9. Event-1Bodhisattva was born as a vulture in Gridhra Jataka.he took care of his old mother and father after grown up.They lived in a solitary cave up on the Mountain. Bodhisattva fed his parents the meat of the dead cattle collected from collected from the burning ground of Varanasri.
While going out, Mili's mother saw Khuki of the neibouring house with an empty pitcher passing in front of her. She scolded her for this.
a) Where are the suttas preached by Buddha preserved?
b) Why should a judge bee wiise.?
c) To which lesson of Mangala Sutta the event-1 is mathching? Explain
d) Analyse the behaviour of the mother of Mili according to the Mangala sutta.
10. Event-1
The couple Lovely and Shaikat has one child.Their dream was to make their child a perfect man by ensuing environment and education. But the child became unruly due to bad companies.
Event -2
From early childhood Simanta Barua has been seeing his mother's sickness When she becomes sicker she cannot tolerate even her children.One day she died of that disease. As Simanta could not bear the grief of the loss of his mother he initiated to a monk in the hope of being free from suffering.
a) Why did Siddhartha leave home?
b) What is the noble truth of suffering?
c) Which side of the noble truth of suffering is reflected in the event -1? Explain.
d) What truth you may be able to realize from decision taken by Simanta in the event -2?

11. Event 1
The venerable Monk (Bhante) gave instructions in the funeral of Ratan Barua everything of the world is temporary and full of sufferings. The ultimate fate of life is death.Nobody can stop death.
Event -2
Joy Chakma was pleased to see the Pindacarana and the recitation of Sutra by the Bhikku Sangha in the Rajvanavihara.He realized a change in his life. Consequently he felt disregards towards domestic life. With the permission of his parents he was initiated into monastic life renouncing the world life.
a) What did Siddhartha Gautama achieve at the full moon of Vishakha?
b) why should we practise compassion for all the living beings?
c) What is reflected by the difference of the Event-1 of the four nimitta? explain.
d) Analyze the result of the path followed by Joy Chakma in the Event-2 in the context of religion.

Half Yearly Examination -2017
Sub: Buddhist
Class: Six
Time: 30 minutes marks: 30
Answer the following questions
1. How many kinds of eight noble paths are there?
a) 4. b) 8. c) 10. d) 12
2. The religious significance of the four noble truth is -
!) to free from suffering
!!) to achieve Nibbana
!!!) to achieve enlightenment.
Which one is correct?
a. ! and !! b) ! and !!! c) !! and !!! d) ! , !! and. !!!
3. how many kinds of blessing are described in the Mangala Sutta?
a) 26 b) 30. c) 32 d) 38
4. What does it mean by 'Matapitu Upattanam'-
a) to respect mother and father b) to serve mother and father
c) to be proud of mother and father d) to serve the wise
Read the passage below and answer the questions no.5 and . 6.
Arindam Sinha is a student of class six.he knows about his religious teacher's illness after going to school. He went his teacher's home to nurse him
5. The advice of Mangala Sutta reflected in the behaviour of Arindam Sinha is -
!) to serve the wise.
!!) to adore the adorable person.
!!!) To meet the Samanera.
Which one is correct?
a. ! and !! b) ! and !!! c) !! and !!! d) ! , !! and. !!!
6. What can be said the deed of Arindam?
a) blessing b) best blessing c) pride. d) honourable
7. Which one of the following is a good action in Buddhism?
a) Maitri. b) Sila. c) Charity. d) Meditation
8. The characteristic of a donor in Buddhism is -
!) to donate a suitable person.
!!) to avoid miserliness
!!!) to consider time
Which one is correct?
a. ! and !! b) ! and !!! c) !! and !!! d) ! , !! and. !!!
9. Which one is daily observed sila?
a) Pancasila. b) Austasila. c) Dasasila d) arthasila
10. Through observing sila one can -
!) lead the disciplined life.
!!) make character beautiful and pure.
!!!) be developed financially.
Which one is correct?
a. ! and !! b) ! and !!! c) !! and !!! d) ! , !! and. !!!
11. What is the meaning of " Buddha"?
a) wise. b) Profoundly learned c) Worldly knowledge d) common sense
12. The impact of prayer is unlimited on human life, because with this ---
!) Increase affection
!!) Mind becomes pure.
!!!) Acquire merits.
Which one is correct?
a. ! and !! b) ! and !!! c) !! and !!! d) ! , !! and. !!!
13. Who hurt the bird in sportive mode?
a) Siddhartha b) Rahul. c) Devodatta. d) Priest.
14. Why did the king Bimbisara celebrate the offering ceremony?
a) For the desire of getting a son. b) bring the baby goat to the palace.
c) To spread the kingdom. d) to wish welfare of the Kingdom.
15. When was Siddhartha born?
a) 622 B.C b) 623. B.C c) 624 B.C. d) 523. B.C
16. Where did Buddha depart the worldly life?
a) River Anoma. b) River Aroma. c) River Padma. d) River Ganga
17. For how many years he did meditation?
a) 4 years. b) 8 years. c) 7 years. d) 6:years
18. Who is Devadutta?
a) Siddhartha's brother b) Siddhartha 's cousin c) Siddhartha's Father. d) Siddhartha's Sister
19. Who came to the old women?
a) Lord Indra. b) Lord Indro. c) Lord Brahmo. d) Lord Bisno
20. Who established the ' Sangha'?
a) Rample. b) buddha c) Siddhartha d) Siddi
21. Doing Charity is what type of deed?
a) bad deed. b) wrong deed. c) Good deed. d) Goat deed
21. How many characteristics of the donors are there?
a) 3. b) 4. ... c) 5. d)
22. What is the position of Dhamapada?
a) First. b) Second. c) Third. d) Four
23. What is the meaning of ' Mangala '?
a) good. b) welfare. c) blessing d) all
24. How many Chapters are there in Dhamapada?
a) 24. b) 25. c) 26. d) 27
25. How many blessing are told in Mangala sutta?
a) 34. b) 36 c) 38. d) 40
26. after how many years Siddhartha attained Buddhahood?
a) 6 years. b) 7 years. c) 8 years. d) 10 years
27. Who followed Sila?
a) All noble person b) All bad man. c) all characterless people d) all man
Read the text below and answer the questions no 28,29
Minucing Marma often takes pen, pencil or exercise books of her friends without taking permission from them. She never feels sorry for it.
28. Which principle of Pancasila is violated by Minucing Matma?
a) telling lie. b) theft. c) adultery. d) taking drugs
29. Changing that behaviour Minucing Marma can get merits to be
!) inspired to lead life from greed
!!) calm & controlled
!!!) polite and gentle
Which one is correct?
a. ! and !! b) ! and !!! c) !! and !!! d) ! , !! and. !!!
30. What is the meaning of Sila?
a) Character. b) nature c) dishonesty d) both a & bb

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