
Friday, February 17, 2023

বিএড এর জন্য উপযোগী

1. LSBE = Life Skill Based Education. 

2. SRHR = Sex and Reproductive Health Right. 

3. HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus. 

4. AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. 

5. POSDCORD = Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing,Co-Ordinating,Reporting and Budgeting.

6. DSHE = Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education. 

7. EED= Education Engineering Department. 

8. TTC = Teachers Training College. 

9. NCTB = National Curriculum Textbook Board. 

10. NAEM = National Academy for Educational Management. 

11. HSTTI = Higher Secondary Teachers Training Institute. 

12. BMTTI = Bangladesh Madrasah Teachers Training Institute. 

13. BABBEIS = Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics. 

14. BISE = Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education. 

15. NTRCA = Non-Government Teachers Registration and Certification Authority. 

16. BPSC = Bangladesh Public Service Commission. 

17. NCTE = National Council Teachers Education. 

18. SMC = School Management Committee. 

19. PTA = Parents Teachers Association. 

20. CPD = Continuing Professional Development. 

21. PLC = Professional Learning Society. 

22. CPU = Central Processing Unit.

23. BIOS = Basic Input Output System. 

24. ISP Internet Service Provider.

25. URL =  Uniform Resource Locator.

26. http = hyper text transfer protocol. 

27. NDD = Neuro-developmental Disorder.

28. ILFE = Inclusive Learning Friendly Education.

29. APA = American Psychological System. 

30. MLA = Modern Language Association. 

31. FGD = Focus Group Discussion. 

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